Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just in case you thought you did well....

I had another interview. It was for a pretty good job, not the greatest pay, but you can't have everything.

I aced that interview. Three women firing questions and I had all the right answers. I amazed them with my knowledge of Microsoft Word and my suggestions about their newsletter publishing problems. It was good.

I was smiling my way down the steps, wondering when they would want me to start when I realized I left my purse in the conference room.

What a maroon.

But everything happens for a reason, so it must not have been the right job at the right time for me. I mean, seriously, I'm sure they'll have other good candidates, smart, young, ambitious people, so how do you eliminate? Kick out the dummy that can't remember to take her purse with her. She probably had a tape recorder in it.

Ya gotta laugh.

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