Sunday, February 6, 2011

Change is Inevitable

"Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat." -Carolyn Shoeder

Haven't you worked with both of these types? I would say there are a couple of more types - one who changes as needed, whether there is a light or a reason, and then there's people like me. I change things for fun, whether it's needed or not.

I've always had problems with those who resist change. The fatal words in any organization are "because we've always done it that way." It is not until these individuals or departments feel the heat of layoffs or falling profits that they realize change is inevitable. Even then you have to force it on them. Hopefully you can find creative ways to do this, such as convincing them it was their idea.

There is only one thing I can say for certain: everything will change eventually. Even those things you think are carved in stone. Nothing stays the same forever. I can remember my mother telling me many, many, many years ago that the only truth that is certain is that truth is always changing. That seems paradoxical, but the older I get the more true it is.

I hear you saying it - what about the old adage "the more things change, the more they stay the same?" That is a good question and it bears pondering in this treatise. My answer to it is this: Those things that seem to be the same need to change. My mind immediately goes to Washington, DC. We change administrations, we change politicians, we change the ruling party, we change policy, yet nothing seems to change.


Obviously something needs to change. I have a few ideas; some of them actually wouldn't land me in jail. The first one would be for every registered voter to vote instead of allowing 1/3 of our citizens to make the decisions for the rest of us. Radical idea. That would be a real change.

Maybe someone else has thoughts on change/lack of change. I would love to hear them.


  1. Although, I am one that changes as needed in my life. When faced with the thought of possible change I read the following prayer and ask the Great Spirit Above to guide me in a wise decision to what will be the best for not only myself but my family as a whole as well.

    The Serenity Prayer
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

    --Reinhold Niebuhr

  2. the more things change, the more they stay the same. that's because things change but not people. In our short hundred on earth there is so much to learn between womb and tomb and just when most of us think we're making headway, becoming evolved humans ... sickness, old age, death. Too soon old, too late wise in other words. sigh.. Our steel company has changed hands, closed, opened, several times but except for it being smaller now and half the employees, nothing is changed because the people ( read- union mentality) is still the same. It's like LTV all over again, and likely to meet the same fate at some point because it's 2011 and not 1970. I like your blogs. keep up the writing. K
