Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Icicles hang from my spruces, the original Christmas decorations. Sun is shining here, teasing from inside the house, all looks beautiful. White fields of snow, impossible to look at in their searing brightness. My trees are encased in clear coats of ice, sparkling in the daylight, glowing in moonlight; I know I can't capture it on film but I'm tempted to try.

We drove to Killbuck today and saw trees overhanging the road, we wondered, is it safe? Do we dare to drive under them? Is this the moment they break? The forests look like they have been ravaged by tornadoes or war, broken trees helter-skelter. The snow is like a filter to cover the worst of it, make it seem not so bad. In spring it will look like hell.

And we feel so blessed in our life. We have had a sign on our kitchen cabinet since the ice storm of 2004 that says "This too shall pass." We smile at it. This will pass, spring will come and all will once again be green and warm. In July we will complain about the heat, forgetting the ice and snow and how we huddled under blankets through the ice storm and darkness of early February.

Life is good, and all the better for the balance.

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