Monday, January 17, 2011

Got Goals?

"If you don't know where you're going, you might wind up someplace else." -Yogi Berra

It's important to set goals, if you expect to get anywhere. But even more imporant is the nature and construction of your goals.

First, your goal must be realistic. If you are just starting a walking program, your first day should not be 5 miles. If the goal is unattainable or overreaching, you will feel defeated or be defeated at the beginning and this will lead to feelings of personal failure.

Goals should be measurable. You need to be able to say, "I started here and now I am hee." If you have made progress you will feel good about yourself - a sense of accomplishment. If you haven't made progress, you can analyze your goal and rework the steps needed to meet it.

Goals need to be relevant to you. If you are on an exercise program to lost weight, don't choose an activity you hate. Don't set completing a marathon as your goal if you despise running. You will not only stop running, you will stop exercising.

There have been numerous studies that have proven those who write their goals, revisit them and track them, using the above ideas and others, are far more successful than those who merely wing it through life.

Stay tuned and maybe you can help me set some goals....

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