Friday, January 21, 2011

The Job Dearth, I mean Search....

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. -Thomas Edison

Here I am, one week and one day unemployed. I was so excited on Monday, having applied for four jobs already. But that was it, nothing since. I checked 14 job sites today and didn't find anything to apply for.

But I am not disheartened. Yet. The last time I was between jobs it took a year, and the time before that it took six months, so 8 days is nothing. I continue to analyze my talents and resume, review my goals, and start each day with a renewed sense of what is important in my life.

My Goals? No, I didn't walk today and probably won't for a few days. The snow lies deep outside and rather than clear it the county just puts out advisories and cancels school. They tell us don't go out there or we'll arrest you unless it's an emergency. Okay. I build a fire in the woodburner, make a pot of soup and settle in with the Encore Westerns channel.

I worked on one of my projects. We are papering a small corner of our home with old magazine pictures from the sixties and I spent time today selecting and cutting out pictures for that project.

So the soup is ready, the living room is warm and I feel like a nap. Ah, the joys of unemployment and snow emergencies. Life is good.


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