Sunday, January 30, 2011

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

My routine goes on, daily I check the bookmarked sites, sometimes I even find jobs to apply to, weekly I report my news to unemployment. I haven't yet met my goal of daily reporting to my blog readers, but I try.

Today I'm listening to CNN report on the unrest/horrors that are going on in Egypt. I'm also aware that there is a war waging in Afghanistan and Pakistan, that terrorist bombs are going off in places, mostly far from here. The economy sucks, and many of my friends and family are out of work. Sometimes I feel like I want to scream, then cry, tuck my  head under my shirt, roll into a ball, lock the doors, turn out the lights and check out.

But I come to my senses. All that is different is the location, the date, the regime, the faces. We live in an ever-evolving world of chaos and the only truth you can count on is that truth always changes. These negatives are more significant only because I'm now unemployed and have to worry more than usual.

What do I do, how do I care? I'm only one of many billions. I have to care, but realistically I am physically powerless to solve the world's problems. But if you know me, you know I have strong feelings about political action, even if I don't  always live up to my own rhetoric. I have to live my life in a way that promotes my beliefs.

If each person lived in the way they believed, it would be a better world. For one thing, maybe we would have 95% voter turnout instead of allowing 30% of our citizens to decide who will run the country. For another, maybe we wouldn't allow people to beat their children in public, and if that happened enough times perhaps they would think twice about doing it in private. Who knows? I'm an optimist. Maybe we would step in when our children are being bullied instead of expecting them to 'stand up' for themselves.

Yes, I can hear you all snickering. But the lettuce and grape boycott  brought about unions. The advertiser boycott helped get Lou Dobbs off CNN. We have choices. We have power. We should use it.

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